This Fall has been a whirlwind, and getting Covid was for sure the cherry on top.But before we get to the good stuff (shopping), let’s chat about what’s been going on lately.

The biggest event being the announcement of The Manor Cottage as our first quick-turn flip! I’ve got a few posts out about it, including one talking about our plans and even a few design teases for it. I am shocked by how much quicker this kind of flip has already gone as well as how quickly (I believe) it will be done. Demo started this week and I’m told that framing will be done before Thanksgiving, so we might even have the new layout done before Christmas.



Managing two flips at the same time has been a balancing act, but I’m enjoying the challenge so far. Woodvale Manor is finally through the not-pretty part: electrical, plumbing and HVAC. Now that we are through those inspections, the Sheetrock for the drywall has arrived and I’m hoping drywall will go up soon! You can anticipate a full tour of the house once we have walls up, so stay tuned. The way things are going with both projects it looks like (fingers crossed) they will both be done pretty close to each other; we’re thinking February-March timeframe. Which means I’ll have just that much more good and new content to share this Spring!

I haven’t had the headspace to do much to our house lately except clean, but recently I’ve been focusing on the library (as I like to call it). My former office has turned into a formal sitting room and is currently where I sit down with my books to read, hence the name. I want to make sure that any furniture that I get and layout that we have we can fit in almost any sitting room/setup in the future so I’ve been working veeeeeery slowly. But one moment that happened out of nowhere was the one pictured below. We’ve had this sideboard from Chairish for a while now, and has always been paired with those buffet lamps but I found this vintage etched large bowl and instantly knew that this needed to be  moment in this window. I’d wanted to try out hanging artwork on the window casings in here since they are such a focal point, and Hannah Winters released these small originals and I instantly knew. Right now my plan is to put a settee in front of this sideboard to complete the furniture layout, but at the rate I’m going I won’t finish this space before we move.



Now, to the fun stuff! Shopping.

I am a victim of the too-many-sweaters syndrome and this time of year is always dangerous for me. But as I’ve gotten older I have grown to appreciate my staples, and just wear those in every capacity possible. I’ve also upgraded a lot of my staples, like a higher quality neutral cardigan that I can wear with pretty much anything and will last much longer. While certain all fashion trends come and go, I think there will always be certain pieces that never go out of style, it just might change how you wear it.




Buuuut that doesn’t keep me from shopping a little bit 🙂 a few of my most recent purchases have been from specific outfits that I have seen and loved, as well as trying to up my fashion game a bit.




To be honest, I’m getting exhausted by all the people putting up their christmas tree and the full on holiday decorations on social media. Sure, I’m thinking about it but I’m definitely not decorating anything yet. So in the spirit of preparation, here are a few items that I’ve got my eye on for when I do decorate.




A full Holiday Edit is coming soon! So don’t miss the full post then, as well as my cyber week finds + purchases.


Edit V


We’re at a really exciting spot over here at Manor Designs. We are kicking off our second flip, which means the plans and designs are so close to being finalized.

And this house has me super excited. It is much more “my style” than Haverford was. While Haverford Manor had a classiness and timelessness to it I think the character I’ll be bringing to Woodvale Manor suits my personal style a bit more. Plus it fits the exterior facade perfectly, which is always a good thing! And this go around I’ve decided to share more of the design + concepts through the process instead of waiting until the end. I’ve already posted a bit on the exterior, and plan to share lots more in the future. But in the meantime, here’s an exclusive look at a few designs I’ve got so far!



We’re actually finishing up the framing in the coming week, so I’ll be anxious to share those updates and give you a walkthrough of the addition.

Now, on the personal side, I’ve been doing some shopping :-/ I feel like I finally felt the confidence to truly clean out my closet and lean into my true style. I haven’t been throwing money out the window but at 34-years-old I do feel like I finally know my style, my personality when it comes to fashion, and able to know that each piece that I am buying are not only ones that fit that personality 100%, but also pieces that I can and will be wearing for the long haul.

What have I been buying? Stone colors.

I’m not going to call it beige because that word gets a bad rap for being boring. I prefer the term ‘stone’. I’m realizing how much I love dressing in neutrals and how when you have the right ones, wearing each piece together to assemble your outfit is even easier!




I’ve also been lucky enough to join the Ambassador roster with The Container Store which has meant getting my house truly organized. I mean every last closet, corner and drawer! No one is safe.

In the past I have truly left certain boxes unpacked because 1. I didn’t want to deal with it 2. I figured I was going to have to leaf the stuff in a box in the closet anyway. Well? No more. Now that we aren’t moving so much I am finally unpacking those boxes, getting rid of stuff that needs getting rid of, and getting those areas organized like we plan on staying for a minute.

The first project? My closet, which I got some lined baskets for my shelves to not only keep everything in its place, but also keep each of those categories down to the necessary quantities. I’m no longer stuffing my shelves with things that I keep buying and never even reach the bottom of the pile.




The upcoming projects? We’ve got some on-the-go pieces that are perfect for your summer trips and everyday chores, as well as reorganizing my desk to hopefully optimize my office space. So stay tuned for some great projects and lessons in organization.


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