Having a leather accent piece is a great way to elevate the style of your room. It can give an instant hit of sophistication or further the coziness of a room. I think that dark + rich leathers are the perfect textile for a cottage or clubhouse concept. Or if you’re looking for a way to break up all of your neutrals? Throw in a dark leather accent chair!

It will blend well and is a dark hit of color without being too colorful. It’s also a great way for a room to feel more masculine. I know my husband complains sometimes about the light colors we have in our house feeling too feminine. So, sometimes we do have to consider our male counterparts.
Plus, there is nothing more classic and evergreen than a leather piece of furniture! You know it will likely never go out of style and will hold up great if it’s a quality leather. My hard and fast rules when it comes to leather finishes?
- Keep it as natural as possible, meaning if an animal wouldn’t naturally be that color (blue, red, etc.) then skip it.
- White is better off left to the suedes, raw hide rugs, and off-white hues. White leather? Feels a little 80’s in Miami to me.